NYS USBC to Award Four Grants Annually
Date Posted: May 2nd, 2012
The New York State USBC will award four grants annually in partnership with the Bowling Foundation and the Youth Education Services Fund -- two grants in the form of equipment for an In-School Bowling Program and two High School Assistance Grants. To apply for these grants, please use the applications below.
High School Assistance Grants, $2,500 each, 2 awarded annually
Awarded to help start a new High School Bowling Program or to help supplement a program that lost funding because of school budget cuts.
High School Assistance Grant Application »
High School Equipment Grant Application for Teams »
High School Equipment Grant Application for Individuals »
In-School Bowling Grants, Approx. $1,200 in form of equipment of six carpet bowling lanes with balls and pins along with teaching curriculum
In-School Bowling Grant Application »
Please direct any questions to Kathy Leitgeb, NYS USBC YES Committee Chair, nysbpa@aol.com